Как добавить фильтры данных таблицы в личном кабинете
Как реализовать
Указываем у колонок параметр "В фильтре"
Обрабатываем в GetItems. Извлекаем из @filters по коду и применяем фильтры для извлечения нужных записей.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[crud_watch_filters_getItems]
@filters CRUDFilterParameter READONLY,
@sort sql_variant,
@direction nvarchar(8),
@page int,
@pageSize int,
@username nvarchar(32)
declare @ids TABLE (id int)
-- filters...
declare @filterCustomer nvarchar(128), @filterStatus nvarchar(64), @filterCreated nvarchar(64),
@filterPrice nvarchar(64), @filterisVisible bit, @filterCreated1 nvarchar(128), @filterStatus1 int
select @filterCustomer = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'customer'
select @filterStatus = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'status'
select @filterCreated = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'created'
select @filterPrice = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'price'
select @filterisVisible = try_cast(Value as bit) from @filters where [Key] = 'isVisible'
select @filterCreated1 = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'created1'
select @filterStatus1 = try_cast(Value as int) from @filters where [Key] = 'status1'
declare @dateStart date, @dateEnd date
set @dateStart = try_convert(date, dbo.str_splitPart(@filterCreated,' - ',1), 104)
set @dateEnd = try_convert(date, dbo.str_splitPart(@filterCreated,' - ',2), 104)
declare @priceBegin int, @priceEnd int
select @priceBegin = (select top 1 value from dbo.split(@filterPrice, ','))
select @priceEnd = (select top 1 value from dbo.split(@filterPrice, ',')
order by value desc)
insert into @ids
select o.id
from tst_orders o
join tst_products p on p.id = o.productID
join tst_customers c on c.id = o.customerID
where (isnull(@filterCustomer, '') = '' or c.name like '%'+@filterCustomer+'%' or c.fio like '%'+@filterCustomer+'%')
and (isnull(@filterStatus, '') = '' or statusID in (select try_cast(Value as int) from dbo.split(@filterStatus, ',')))
and (isnull(@filterCreated,'') = '' or convert(date, o.created, 104) between @dateStart and @dateEnd)
and (isnull(@filterCreated1, '') = '') or convert(date, o.created, 104) = convert(date, @filterCreated1, 104)
and (isnull(@filterisVisible,0) = 0 or isVisible = 1)
and (isnull(@filterStatus1,0) = 0 or statusID = @filterStatus1)
--- and (isnull(@filterPrice, '') = '' or o.price between @priceBegin and @priceEnd)
o.id id,
c.name customer,
c.fio desc_customer,
(select name from tst_statuses where id = o.statusID) status,
isnull(format(o.created, 'dd.MM.yyyy'), '01.01.1900') created,
isnull(o.price, 0)price,
isnull(isVisible, 0)isVisible
from tst_orders o
join tst_products p on p.id = o.productID
join tst_customers c on c.id = o.customerID
where o.id in (select id from @ids)
order by
case when @sort = 'p.name' and @direction = 'down' then c.name end desc,
case when @sort = 'p.name' and @direction = 'up' then c.name end asc,
case when @sort = 'created' and @direction = 'down' then o.created end desc,
case when @sort = 'created' and @direction = 'up' then o.created end asc,
case when @sort = 'price' and @direction = 'down' then o.price end desc,
case when @sort = 'price' and @direction = 'up' then o.price end asc
OFFSET @PageSize * (@Page - 1) ROWS
select count(*) from @ids
--select 3
-- 4 SELECT Footer data or kanban/gantt data
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